Preprint published by Franka Etzel on an evaluation study
63 papers nominated by 21 participating researchers from personality and social psychology were rated by external raters (i.e., not the authors themselves) with the RESQUE-Pubs scheme. Inter-rater reliability, associations between the new and traditional indicators, and feedback from the participants on the new tool were examined. Inter-rater reliability for the three raters varied between the different items of the scheme. Besides a negative association between the new indicators and the uncorrected h-index, no other significant associations were found. The feedback from participants revealed the importance of transparency concerning the scheme.
The RESQUE-Pubs scheme good be properly apply applied to 84% of all submitted papers. The average rigor score was around 35%.
(Note that the RESQUE-Pubs scheme evolved since that study).
You can read the study here:
Etzel, F. T. (2023, September 4). *One step closer towards responsible research assessment in psychology: Evaluation and testing of a new tool in practice.